Tuesday, 16 November 2010

[BizTalk] Automatically create folders configured for file adapters in BizTalk Applications

After installing and configuring a BizTalk application, we often MANUALLY create the folders configured for receive locations and send ports. This process is quite cumbersome if you have an a large number of folders to create.

While deploying a huge BizTalk application for one of my clients, I developed a small c# console application which accesses the BizTalk Management database to retrieve a list of configured folders and then creates these folders in the Windows local file system.

Here is the SQL script, I used to retrieve the list of FILE receive locations and send ports:

USE [BizTalkMgmtDb]

-- Author: Shah MOHAMOD
-- Description: Retrieves the FILE receive locations and send ports information from the BizTalk management database

-- Get FILE receive locations
SELECT [dbo].[bts_application].[nvcName] AS ApplicationName, [Name], [InboundTransportURL] AS URI, 'Receive' AS LocationType
FROM [dbo].[adm_ReceiveLocation]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[bts_receiveport] ON [dbo].[adm_ReceiveLocation].[ReceivePortId] = [dbo].[bts_receiveport].[nID]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[bts_application] ON [dbo].[bts_receiveport].[nApplicationID] = [dbo].[bts_application].[nID]
WHERE [AdapterId] IN
FROM [dbo].[adm_Adapter]
WHERE [Name] = 'FILE'

-- Get FILE send ports
SELECT [dbo].[bts_application].[nvcName] AS ApplicationName, [dbo].[bts_sendport].[nvcName] AS [Name], [nvcAddress] AS URI, 'Send' AS LocationType
FROM [dbo].[bts_sendport_transport]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[bts_sendport] ON [dbo].[bts_sendport_transport].[nSendPortID] = [dbo].[bts_sendport].[nID]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[bts_application] ON [dbo].[bts_sendport].[nApplicationID] = [dbo].[bts_application].[nID]
[dbo].[bts_sendport_transport].[nvcAddress] <> ''
AND [dbo].[bts_sendport_transport].[nTransportTypeId] = 3
) AS T
GROUP BY ApplicationName, [Name], [URI], [LocationType]
ORDER BY ApplicationName, [Name], [LocationType]

Then all that I had to do is to write is small c# console application which takes in 2 parameters:
1. The name of the SQL server instance which contains my BizTalk databases
2. The name of the BizTalk Management database (e..g. BizTalkMgmtDb)

In my program, I used the Directory.CreateDirectory(path) method which creates all directories (and sub directories) in the specified path.

So finally, the creation of my 165 file locations was done in just a few milliseconds. All I had to do, was to pass in the the correct parameters to my console application.


Wednesday, 10 November 2010

[BizTalk Bindings Import] Misleading error message while importing a BizTalk application bindings on a newly installed BizTalk Server

While importing binding information in a BizTalk application on my NEW BizTalk Server, I got the following error message:

"The following items could not be matched up to hosts due to name and/or trust level mismatches:
Item: 'FILE' Host: 'BizTalkServerApplication' Trust level: 'Untrusted'
You must do one of the following:
1) Create hosts with these names and trust levels and try again
2) Re-export the MSI without the binding files and have a post import script apply a suitable binding file."

As indicated by the error information, I checked my host name and also made sure that my host was untrusted. The 2 parameters were correct nevertheless I could not import my bindings.

I had newly installed my BizTalk server. I created my host and host instances but forgot to do the association between my hosts and the send and receive handlers of the different BizTalk adapters (File, HTTP, MSMQ, etc)

Before importing the bindings on my new BizTalk Server, I associated my BizTalk hosts to the appropriate BizTalk adapters. This is done via the BizTalk Administration Console by going into the Platform Settings\Adapters section.
